Resin surface grinding segment for vertical grinder

Resin surface grinding segment for vertical grinder

Short Description:

Most grinding segment are made of corundum or silicon carbide abrasive and resin bond, while some are made of ceramic or bituminous clay bond.

Grinding segment are mainly used in the vertical shaft grinder for rough grinding of metal workpiece surface, also used for stone and terrazzo ground polishing.

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    Resin surface grinding segment for vertical grinder

    Most grinding segment are made of corundum or silicon carbide abrasive and resin bond, while some are made of ceramic or bituminous clay bond.

    Purpose:Grinding segment are mainly used in the vertical shaft grinder for rough grinding of metal workpiece surface, also used for stone and terrazzo ground polishing.

    Method of Use:Usually, several grinding segment are fixed on the grinding wheel clamp and inserted into a combination for use.

    There is usually a certain interval between each sand tile to facilitate heat dissipation and chip removal.

    Use effect:They are generally used to grind flat stock or flat surfaces within a workpiece for anything from heavy stock removal to precision grinding.

    Shape type:Because the clamping way is different, the shape of the sand tile is not the same, according to the cross section shape can be divided into flat (rectangle), sector, convex shape and trapezoidal grinding segment,etc..

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